Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Easy-going preachers Produce easy-going believers. We have more star preachers than scarred preachers, more expositors than exposers, more who are concerned to "get it over" than to "pray it through." We have more religious educators than soul emancipators. The pulpiteer of our times is expected to enlighten the mind rather than to enliven the conscience. To many, the width of his head matters more than the depth of his heart. So, even with a steel ring of com-munism around the world, and the sewers of moral filth pouring over it, we find the Church more interested in pie than piety, and the Lord's Weakened army "by schism rent asunder" and by conflicting interpretations oppressed. On the contrary, let the Church become a recruiting booth. Youth likes a challenge. Where is there more need or greater opportunity for courage than in this battle of the Lord? This is a perpetual warfare. Let there be no truce with this enemy, much less a parley. The fight is on. The pressure increases. The ranks are broken. "Ye that are men now serve Him, Against unnumbered foes; Let courage rise with danger, And strength to strength oppose." Lenoard Ravenhill

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