Sunday, February 17, 2013

Inspiring Grace

The work of the Cross Jesus took the ultimate punishment for our sin. He was judged like no man ever was or would be. He was on that cross beaten beyond recognition. Bones and legimates exposed with blood spilling out. The crown of thorns driven deep into his head; revealing that He was ultimately judged for every thought that would go through our minds. Nails driven though his hands and feet revealing that our walk and actions were judged ultimately on Him. The spear piercing though, judged all the intents of the heart – he took it all so that we could have a new heart and live in newness! This is the ultimate work of the person of grace securing our permanent life with him.

1 comment:

Allan Leitner said...

It is so sobering. The reality of the cross always makes me want to 'take the cup of salvation'... such a high price was paid so that it could be put in my hand.