Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Divine Direction part 1

Sometimes there are so many options were we can enter into decision paralysis. Then there are times when it is unclear where to step because it can be so dark. Being led by God beyond feelings or validations into the faith realm is quite an adventure. Rational and logic can cause doubts and cause us to second-guess our direction. As we look to Jesus and hear HIS still small voice of Isaiah 30: 21 "Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, "This is the way; walk in it." As we fellowship in the person of Christ he will commission us. Don't seek to do, but quiet yourself and fellowship with who HE is in you and then the ministry and direction will come out of you. Our gifts are often developed when we step into a place were they can be used. If God has given you a place to serve , be faithful there, and he will lead you to the next step. The christian life is a marathon not a sprint. Be fruitful were you are, in Gods season HE will move you. Rest and enjoy HIM now and don't be anxious about the next step, He is preparing you for it now. 

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